Frankfurt. July 2024. science. communicated!


...why should you join?

In many current debates it is becoming increasingly difficult for science to make its voice heard. In times of so-called „alternative facts“ scientific results are sometimes even deliberately ignored or manipulated to gain advantages.

In the future, this social debate will become increasingly stronger and probably also more aggressive.
Many researchers are consciously withdrawing more and more from this discussion. There are certainly many reasons for this, but it ultimately leads to the debate being conducted less and less with empirically verifiable data and more emotionally charged, irrational and interest-driven in the long term.

The withdrawal of scientists from the discourse is largely due to a lack of time, knowledge and structures.

SCI-COM-E brings together scientists, communicators and experts in adjacent fields –  sharing experiences, learning from each other and building a lasting network. 



We just postponed the meeting and will announce the new date as soon as possible.


The meeting is intended for scientists and science communicators who want to get new insights, meet fascinating people and build a network in science communication.


SCI-COM-E will take place at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies at the Campus of the Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.

How much?

The conference fee will be announced soon. We are currently looking for sponsors to offer reduced rates for students.


 The workshop SCI-COM-E brings together people from all over the world to discuss science communication, share ideas and build lasting networks. We are looking for a variety of topics, people and audiences. Thus the topic of 2024 – DIVERSITY.


Since we do not want to have a plethora of talks attached to one another, but rather dynamic and meaningful discussion, we can fit in a variety contributions.

The individual sessions are currently being planned by the hosts, if you want to be involved, please let us know.

If you are interested in contributing to the meeting, please let us know via e-mail to


You can already register via eventbrite.

It is also possible to register directly if you don’t have access to a credit card or need to pay by invoice. Please contact us via for that.



Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1
60438 Frankfurt



The school would not be possible without the help and support of the partners.